Stream Rehabilitation
We specialize in stream training, shape correction, flow management and habitat restoration. This can be achieved via one or a combination of our services or products.
Modified live situation:
This is a series of live willow bundles that are placed in a shallow trench up stream to the river flow. This creates an area of hydraulic roughness when the river rises therefore creating a deposition zone. Eventually the area will be refilled with sediment from the river which the willow species thrive on.
Living walls -
“A touch of green”:
Living walls are installed using our filtrexx composted soxx system. This system is very adaptable and can be used to landscape the embankment to any desired shape. The wall can be planted with either exotics and/or natives if required.
Root wads:
A stream can be trained using its own energy (flow) through the strategic placement of logs, stumps and root wads. Debris are deliberately placed within the stream to either cut an embankment or assist in sedimentation.
Brush layered wall / Vegetated mechanically stabilised earth wall:
Used to stabilise or repair an existing failure or create a new embankment. We use a shrub willow that is male, sterile and does not sucker. This system provides a hydraulic roughness along its entire length and slows the flow to aid in sedimentation, reduction of scouring and also providing aquatic habitat. Brush layering can be installed to any length and height. A mechanically stabilised earth wall is basically the same as a Brush wall however it incorporates the use of geo-grid fabric to aid in the tensile strength within the wall.
Bio-engineering - “Copying nature”:
We have successfully stabilised and trained streams using live plant material. Using mainly willow, and to a lesser degree poplar, it is possible to stabilise, restore embankments and slow water flow velocities using living plants, thus reducing scour, erosion and ultimately sedimentation of the aquatic environment. On many of our projects other more conventional engineering options have been too expensive, unsuccessful, impractical and provide the wrong look. Bio-engineering gives the soft green natural appearance many of our clients desire.
Use of Rock:
We can train and manage stream flows using rock. Often we incorporate a combination of individual systems within a project. These proven rock techniques may include rock pools, Newbury rock riffles, rock vanes, boulder clusters and rock groins. Each situation is different and needs to be assessed on its own merits. We can design a system to suit your requirements.